Saturday, January 27, 2018

Breath the day

I realise I am lucky.
I have a wonderful family,
They love me in a way
I cannot describe
Because it is unique and ours.
I thank them each gesture.

Three little living stars
Give me life
In a form which lights me
They water my inner.

I have true friends I love.
Without naming,
You really know who you are.

I thank my job,
Teaching and learning everyday.
From mates, pupils, people
 Who come with me in every step.
Yesterday, now and forever.

I embrace each piece of music, literature, memories,
Which make me feel.
I spread my thanks to everyone
Who was with me in any way.
No doubt weak moments exist.
But they are easy to overcome with all of you.


Present, a gift
For you and me.

1 comment:

  1. We’re lucky ’cos you’re near us.
    Mates, family, friends… We love to go with you in every step. We need to go with you in every step. Yesterday, today, tomorrow… forever.
    We thank you for everything.
    Weak moments are easier to overcome ’cos you are here.
    You give us life everyday.
    You’re a gift for all of us.
