Saturday, July 27, 2019

This is life

Learning about you and me
Knowing that everyday is a real present.
Appreciating each living sign:
The warmness of a huge hug,
The unique smile of my Soul,
Reading a verse which comes from heart,
Listening to Heaven sounds,
Giving thanks to my true people,
Those who tell me a wonderful news,
Encouraging me or simply making me laugh.

This is life...

Those who tried that know it.

And so it is...

Sunday, July 21, 2019


Ahora que tengo tiempo...

Cómo no... Acabo de leer que la culpa de que en muchos programas de televisión aparezcan titulares con errores de ortografía es de... claro, los profesores. Cómo no...

Pues miren, no, no y no. Desde que era pequeña me ha gustado el cole y sí, mis padres son maestros pero nunca me han obligado a estudiar, salía de mí. Sin duda, ellos han sido un ejemplo para mí pero también me he preocupado por escribir bien. Eso no me lo ha obligado a hacer nadie. Mi maestro de Naturales me dijo una vez: "Mari Carmen, deseando estoy de corregirte una falta alguna vez, pero creo que me quedo con las  ganas...

Siempre he pensado que si nosotros no cuidamos la lengua, ¿quién lo va a hacer? En mi opinión, y es sólo eso, escribir bien depende de muchas cosas: prestar atención al maestro o profesor que nos explica y sí, cada uno es un mundo y tiene su librillo, como cada uno de nosotros...; tenemos diccionarios físicos y en la red, podemos consultar en cualquier dispositivo electrónico hoy en día. Podemos leer libros, descargarlos, y la edición de cada uno garantiza su buen resultado. Y sí, hoy vamos con prisa pero cualquier móvil, tablet u ordenador tienen un corrector ortográfico que nos marca en rojo lo que no está bien escrito y nos ayuda a revisar todo lo que hemos expuesto...

Mi amor por la Lengua me ha llevado a tener la suerte de poder ser profesora de inglés y cuando en una traducción veo alguna falta de ortografía, la corrijo porque para mí es un error, aunque estemos trabajando con dos idiomas distintos a la vez.

La lengua madre es una herramienta que debemos cuidar con esmero y dedicación porque es como dice la propia palabra, madre nuestra. Tenemos muchos medios al alcance para hacer que nuestro idioma en este caso, el castellano, lengua maravillosa para hablar, escribir, cantar, hacer poesía, para comunicarse al fin y al cabo, sea uno de nuestros tesoros inmateriales. Y sí, el profesor debe usarla como herramienta metodológica y es por eso que de ha de esmerarse en ello pero también nosotros, cada uno, como propietarios y usuarios de tal habilidad en sus diferentes versiones: cognitiva, lingüística, psicológica, personal, empática...

Responsabilicémosnos del uso propio de nuestra lengua porque gracias a ella podemos expresar lo que pensamos tal y como acabo de hacer. 

María del Carmen Pérez Rivas.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Real fairy-tales

Among everyday matters,
Tired or worried,
When I do not understand 
What happens,
I think of your unique smile
Which has no comparison,
Which fills gaps,
Spreads magic
And makes me feel
In a real fairy-tale
I do not want to complete.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Peace is always

Peace is not only
When we celebrate it.
Peace happens everyday
If you want.
Peace happens with a smile,
A kind word.
Peace occurs 
When you thank someone,
When you forgive,
When you do a good job.

It is easy to achieve.
Peace is a global theme 
But it starts with you
And me.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Love your smile

There are few things
Which are more beautiful 
Than the smile of the people 
I love.
Its sound, presence 
And image are the easiest symbol 
Of happiness among 
This chaotic world...

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Empower yourself

Don't let anyone 
Darken your shine.
 To everyday contradictions.
They are created to cause harm.
Don't forget it...
Nobody can get you smaller.
Your sparkle is so powerful
As the beautiful swam.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

To my good people

To you,
To the person who is
Essential for me.
To you,
An old friend 
who knows me 
As I am.
To you,
A mate I I have met 
At work and who is
A brother or sister for me.
To you,
Who are not near in space
But so close to me...
To you,
My good people
I ned in my life
Because I really know
That WE have one another
Always, at any time...

Thursday, January 10, 2019

There is always love

There is always a ray of light.
Among the storm, behind clouds,
Although there is darkness,
In spite of chaos.
There is love in a smile,
A hug, a glance, a true friend,
In this world
There is always place for love,
Simply in a kind word...

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

An everyday present

The language I love 
Since I was a child 
Has given me happiness
In different ways.
My father taught English
And he transmitted me this passion. 
Fortunately, I teach English too
And my exprience is so enriching...
It causes joy in me,
It gives me presents which were, are
And will be always in my heart
In the form of pupils, mates, friends,
So special friends...

For this priviledge you all make me feel
I can only say a great

Monday, January 07, 2019

New year, I am me

A new path has begun.
I am the same person.
I have clear that I will stay
With the ones I really want.
Those whose light I do not see
Are not important for me
Because they do not see me as I am.
So you, the person who are close to me
Although you are not here.
The new way we start
Is LIFE, the real one.

Thursday, January 03, 2019

You make all easier

I have realized
Your smile is a cure.
Whenever I feel a bit rare,
I think of your unique face
And the strange becomes into faith.
So thank you so much 
For your easy magic with me.
It works as a miracle,
The life of your close face...

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Remain firm

Be yourself,
Remain steady
Regardless of incongruences.
Rise your essence
Although days are not clear.
Don't let anyone change you.
It is only you
The one who can achieve goals
Or commit mistakes.
You can allow yourself it.
Nobody is perfect.

Be you,
Only you...

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Our new path

A new way has just been born.
Along this I want to smile
And as there will be moments
When it will not be so easy.
I only want to maintain the ability
To remain calm
Since this is life...
And I am not alone,
Your world is also mine.